Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Religion VS Relationship

Many of you may have heard about the English professor I have who is a unbeliever. We weren't given a specific topic for our research paper, but he did tell us to write about something we are passionate about. I knew in that moment that I wanted to write something about God. I thought about writing on missions, Christianity in general and the ideas I had went on. I ended up writing my paper on Religion VS Relationship. It was tough at first because there weren't many scholarly peer reviewed journals (quotes from these resources were required) that had been written on this topic. However, I refused to change topics to something easier. I knew this is what God wanted me to do. 
In this class once we finish our papers there is a workshop day where the rest of the class critiques your paper. My hands were clammy and my heart was beating uncontrollably on the way to class. Knowing that there are so many people who don't believe in God in my class, I was afraid to hear their responses. The whole time leading up to the critique I read Matthew 5:11 over and over. 
Matthew 5:11 (NLT) “God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers." 
The two responses I will always remember were these...
1. "It was powerful. I had goosebumps reading it."
2. "I learned stuff about God that I didn't know. I am not a very Biblical person, but I liked it."

I am not telling you this to brag. I am telling you this for you to see that LITTLE things can make a BIG impact. Of course I wanted it to impact them, but still most would think that you couldn't minister through a college research paper. I am here to tell you that it can be done!! Small things we do in our daily lives that shows that Christ lives in us can make a difference in people's lives. Remember that.

** Below is my paper for those wanting to read it :)
I am a Christian and I despise religion as much as the atheist reading this paper does, however, I love the relationship I have with God.  Throughout history, many wars have been fought over religion. Religion is based on given rules. It instills fears, and one little slip up and you are doomed to hell. Religion says, “I am better than you.” But what if I told you that the church is not a museum for the saints, but instead a hospital for the broken? Jesus can end a war as quickly as it began. He instills confidence and love. We do not fear failure because we know God’s mercy covers us when we sin. After all, Romans 3:23 (NLT) says, “For all have sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” Instead of being held back by rules, we push forward knowing that we make God overwhelmingly happy when we choose to do the right thing. Religion destroys, while relationship restores.  Author Joybell C says, “I was asked by a concerned church-goer: "Is your relationship with God okay?" and I answered, "My relationship with God is far better than yours. You have to be in a certain place, with a certain group of people, pray at certain days of the week, read the Bible at certain times of the day; all in order to have a relationship with God. But I am with God from the moment I wake up, to the moment I fall asleep at night, I am with God wherever on this earth that I wander to, and whosoever I may be with! I may be sitting on the subway, and I am with God. I can assure you that I am closer to God than you are.” 
Nine hundred-twenty years ago, a war that was fought over religion began known as the Crusades. During the first Crusades, in the year 1095, an army of Christians from the western part of Europe went to war against the Muslims. Their goal was to capture Jerusalem as land of their own.  It did not take the Christians many years to achieve the goal they had hoped for. After reaching their goal some Crusaders returned home while others stayed behind to preside over their newly gained territory. Control had been in their hands until 1130.  The Muslims had now begun there own war against the Christians thus began the Second Crusade in 1147. The power continued to shift back and forth between the Muslims for centuries, until Fredrick began his reign:
On 11 February 1229 Frederick II and al-Kamil finally reached an agreement (the Treaty of Jaffa) that al-Kamil would give Jerusalem to Frederick II, on several conditions, however. They concluded a truce pact for ten years, five months and forty days, starting on 24 February 1229. By this Treaty of Jaffa, Jerusalem, together with Nazareth and Bethlehem, were put under the rule of Frederick II, while the sacred area to Muslims inside the city including the Dome of the Rock and the Mosque, remained in the hands of Muslims; the agreement also stipulated that the Muslims could freely come and go, while also keeping the right of worship there. Frederick II promised not to attack al-Kamil on any condition, not to support Christians who would attack al-Kamil, and to protect the lands under the control of al-Kamil. (Takayama 175)
Religion has and most likely always will play a tremendous part in history. This leads to the ongoing debate: If religion is so great, then why do so many people fight over it? People were stunned, and confused on how Fredrick II reached an agreement with the Muslims. It was more than just signing a treaty. Both sides recognized each other had different opinions, and instead of letting that drive them apart and send them into another war, they accepted it. Because at the end of the day saying you are a religious Christian, Muslim or Catholic will not get you to heaven. It is about your relationship with God throughout your life, and how you treat and accept others with different opinions. Religion is not something to be fought over.
Lottie Moon was one of the first woman missionaries that served in China. It was not an easy job, and she faced more persecution than we could imagine.
Second, she disciplined herself to survive physically and emotionally while living in primitive circumstances with the lower-class Chinese people. She learned to endure scrutiny and commentary by curious people who did not consider her human and gave her no privacy. She conquered fears of people who continually reviled her as "Devil Woman," she stayed courageous in the face of death threats, and she kept her poise in confrontations with soldiers. She came to accept the "real drudgery" of mission life. She ennobled her view of the harsh realities by remembering that the Chinese peasants were living a simple existence with which the man Jesus would have been personally familiar.  (Allen)
Lottie Moon is a prime example of what it means to have a relationship with God, and not just a religion. When I hear the word religion, I think of a strict lifestyle that one must abide to. Lottie traveled to China knowing that she could be killed, or treated horribly for her beliefs but she went anyways. Lottie Moon went because of her trust in our Creator.
“To have Faith in Christ means, of course, trying to do all that He says. There would be no sense in saying you trusted a person if you would not take his advice. Thus if you have really handed yourself over to Him, it must follow that you are trying to obey Him. But trying in a new way, a less worried way. Not doing these things in order to be saved, but because He has begun to save you already. Not hoping to get to Heaven as a reward for your actions, but inevitably wanting to act in a certain way because a first faint gleam of Heaven is already inside you.”  (C.S. Lewis)
C.S. Lewis does not say that you must be perfect to follow Christ, or to have a relationship with Him. If that were the case, nobody would be follower of Christ because nobody is or ever will be perfect. I believe part of the debate today between the Christians and atheists (besides religion versus science) comes from the fact that atheists believe Christians are telling them the must be perfect to be a Christian.
Muslims believe you must pray five times a day. Buddhists believe in having a prayer wheel.  On the prayer wheel is a mantra that they recite as they spin the wheel. Methodists believe baptism is just sprinkling water instead of immersing. Catholics pray to Mary, and confess to a priest instead of confessing to God directly. Mormons even have more than one bible reference “so did Mormonism’s claim to possess extra-biblical sources of doctrine and authority” (Peterson 178).  They read out of the bible as well as The Book of Mormons. Would you believe me if I told you none of these rituals must be done for you to have a relationship with the Earth’s creator? “It’s not about an organized religious system, it’s about a supernatural, intimate relationship with the creator God of Christianity” (Barna).

As stated before, religion is just a set of rules. Religion will not help you reach the final destination known as heaven. Religion will continue to be something that is fought over. Instead of being held back by these rules, I will continue to live and devote my life to the relationship I have with God.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thank You For The Trials

This time last year, I thought my world was over. I had reached the point where I felt that I would never overcome such sadness and hurt. I had always believed God would take care of me because after all He wanted the best for me, right? I thought so but it had been about two years of disappointment after disappointment. I wanted to give up. Clearly God was busy working with someone else. I accepted the fact that I would always feel this way from letdowns from school, and friendships. I shut myself out of everything. I’d wake up, go to work, and half way do my schoolwork because I had no desire. I grew accustomed to it. But eventually I decided that I was tired of living and feeling like that. Who wouldn’t? It was exhausting and I didn’t want my relationships with my family to burn out because they were/are all I have.

PSALM 91:14-16 – “The Lord says I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in My name. When they call on Me, I will answer. I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them My salvation.”

I am here to tell you that I even though I assumed God was working with someone else, I was wrong. He was and is still working on me. I had been walking down a never-ending hallway with doors all locked. I tugged and tugged trying to open them, but God would not unlock them. I am so thankful that He kept them locked. I wouldn’t be who I am today if I would have taken the easy way out. God was with me the whole time. He rescued me, and protected me. I called on Him and even though I didn’t hear Him right away, He answered me. He was and will always be with me in trouble.

“The deepest level of worship is praising God inspite of the pain; thanking God during the trials, trusting Him when we’re tempted to lose hope and loving Him when He seems so distant and far away. At my lowest, God is my hope. At my darkest, He is my light. At my weakest, God is my strength. At my saddest, God is my comforter.”

Without the trials of the past two years, I wouldn’t have known that my calling in life involved working in the ministry. I wouldn’t understand what it is truly means to trust God with EVERY little thing in my life. I wouldn’t have seen just how beautiful, absolutely wonderful and magnificent it is to have a relationship with God. There are not enough words to describe the feeling. It is one you must experience. Life isn’t 100% perfect and peachy for me, and I will face more trials but I am ready because God is on my side. He will rescue me like so many times.

And YOU reading this, whatever trial you are facing, God WILL rescue you because He loves you and wants the absolute best for you. Begin to thank God for your trials today even though you don’t understand now… one day you will.

JOHN 13:7 “Jesus replied, “You don’t understand now what I am doing, but one day you will.”