As I sit here with only a few hours left until it is officially Thanksgiving, I can only think of all the many things God has blessed me with. I'm thankful for this sweet soon to be a 7 year old baby girl who's sleeping in arms, for my dear friend Mckenna who dyed my hair back to its original color after our sad attempt at dying it blue and being the next Aquamarine. I'm thankful that today I was able to enjoy the beautiful weather outside with my family as we ran around playing with the dogs, swinging at the treehouse, eno-ing and playing basketball followed by grilling out and roasting marshmallows. I'm thankful for my sweet boyfriend Gabriel who didn't make fun of me last weekend for bawling my eyes out at the end of Mockingjay 2. I could go on and on about how thankful I am for what God has blessed me with. But what I am most thankful for is the love God has for me. He constantly shows me His love and mercy daily. I'm not perfect and I do fail Him but He doesn't give up on me. I believe that often times we get so caught up in this crazy world we live in that we forgot how powerful and wonderful our God is. We let the stress, and our fear get the best of us. We let these things hinder us from living the life God has planned for us. I pray that everyone is reminded of the love God has for them not only today but also every other day. I pray that we choose to be thankful every day of the week, and year instead of just on this one day. We are blessed beyond measure and God deserves all the recognition for it.
“Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.”
1 Chronicles 16:8 NLT